Waiting to start a new project or a task?
3 ways to overcome procrastinating a new task or a project.
Don’t. Just start it now.
One of the killers of a project is waiting for the perfect time and the longer you wait the harder it might be to start. It’s much easier to continue doing something after you’ve started. Here are 3 ways I like to get started on a project or a task.
These ideas came from Feel-good Productivity by Ali Abdaal
1️⃣ Identify the next action item.
Starting a new project is a big investment, but I bet the next action isn’t. If your next project is an iOS app and you’re not on your computer, then your next step is to get on your computer.
2️⃣ Reduce your friction to starting.
If your computer is never close to you then it’s easy to not think about your new app. To reduce the friction of getting your computer to start the project, consider moving your computer with you. A while ago, my only personal computer was a Mac mini, and I realized I wasn’t developing apps as much as I wanted to or work out of the house, so I decided to reduce that friction I needed to get a MacBook instead. Now, I’m able to work whenever and wherever inspiration strikes due to having a laptop. This also allows me to leave the MacBook by the couch so I can easily work on project.
3️⃣ Follow the 5 minute rule.
Give yourself 5 minutes to work on the new project. Once those 5 minutes are done, then decide if you want to keep going or you want to stop. It is OKAY to stop after 5 minutes. 5 minutes is better than doing nothing.
Written by Jay Wilson on